15/11 - Sexta-feira
08h00 - 08h30
- PIPAC: State of Art (the best technique tips and good indications) - Chair: Nam Jin Kim (BR-SP)
08h30 - 08h50
- PIPAC timeline: from HIPE to HOPE until today - Speaker: Marc A. Reymond
08h50 - 09h05
- Evolution of the technique: from classic PIPAC to new methods. Speaker: Rafael Seitenfus (BR-RS)
09h05 - 09h20
- Structure, Tips & Tricks for PIPAC. Speaker: Xavier Delgadillo
09h20 - 09h35
Anesthesiology considerations about PIPAC pacients. Speaker Liege Immich (BR-RS)
09h35 - 09h50
- PGRS how to evaluate histopatologic of carcinomatosis. Speaker: Wiebke Solass
09h50 - 10h05
- How immunonutricion can impact in management of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis? Speakear: Victória Marzagão - (BR-SP)
10h05 - 10h20
- Discussion: Bruno Sarmento (BR- DF)/ Thanh Dellinger (EUA)/ Felipe Augusto Cruz Lopes (BR/PE)
10h20 - 10h40
- Break
10h40 - 10h55
- Patients selection for colorretal cancer. Speaker: Mario Uribe (CHI)
10h55 - 11h10
- PIPAC evidences for colorretal carcinomatosis. Speaker: Xavier Delgadillo
11h10 - 11h25
- Precision medicine for current scenario of colorectal cacinomatosis. Speaker: Pedro/ Diogo
11h25 - 11h40
- Case Report: colorretal carcinomatosis.
11h40 - 12h
- Discussion: Daniel Azambuja (BR/RS)/ Daiana Scheid (BR/RS)/ Samuel Aguiar (BR/SP)
12h - 14h
14h - 14h15
- Patients selection for gastric cancer. Speaker: Frederico Teixeira
14h15 - 14h30
- PIPAC evidencias atuais para cancer gastrico? (gastric cancer). Speaker: Guilherme Ravanini (BR/RJ)
14h30 - 14h45
- Precision medicine for current scenario of gastric cacinomatosis. Speaker: Pedro/ Diogo
14h45 - 15h
- Case report: PIPAC for gastric cancer. Speaker: Arnaldo Urbano Ruiz (BR/SP)
15h - 15h15
- Discussion: Carlos Augusto Martinez Marins (BR/RJ),Tarcisio Cysneiro da Costa Reis(BR/PE)
15h15 - 15h45
15h45 - 16h
- Patients selection (ovary cancer). Speaker: Xavier Type (ARG)
16h - 16h15
- Drug selection and results for PIPAC at ginecologic cancer. Speaker:Donato Calegallo BR/SP)
16h15 - 16h30
- PIPAC study model for ginecologic neoplasms. Speaker: Renato Moretti (BR/SP)
16h30 - 16h45
- Precision medicine for current scenario of ovarian cacinomatosis. Speaker :Antonio Dalpizzol Junior (BR/RS)
16h45 - 17h
- PIPAC for urachal adenocarcinoma. Speaker: Javier Sandoval (PER)
17h - 17h15
- Discussion: Antonio Dalpizzol Junior (BR /RS) , Vanessa Alvarenga (BR/SP), SBCO,
16/11 - Sábado
08h30 - 08h45
- How we did it. Speaker: Ana Carolina Fleig (BR/RS)
08h45 - 09h
- How to start a PIPAC program at EUA. Speaker: Thanh Dellinger (EUA)
09h - 09h15
- PIPAC: environmental and professional safety. Speaker: Eduardo Dipp de Barros (BR/RS)
09h15 - 09h30
- Peritoneal carcinomatosis in Bolivia: what is our practice. Speaker- Pablo Sitic (BO)
09h30 - 09h45
- How to Start a PIPAC program in LATAM. Speaker: Francisco Perrotta (PAR)
09h45 - 10h
The Brazilian Guidelines for PIPAC. Speaker: Bruno Sarmento (BR/DF)
10h - 10h15
- Discussion: Marc Reymond, Ademar Lopez, oncologista
10h15 - 10h30
10h30 - 10h45
- PITAC: what is the possible scenario? Speaker: Ricardo Mingarini Terra (BR/RS)
10h45 - 11h
- PIPAC's use for ascitis control. Speaker: Carlos Humberto Cereser Junior (BR-RS)
11h - 11h15
- The use of neoadjuvant PIPAC: what do we know untill now? Speaker: Arthur Reis (RS-SP)
11h15 - 11h30
- The future of intraperitoneal drugs in carcinomatosis treatment. Speaker: Marc Reymond
11h30 - 11h45
- Laparoscopic PCI and AI for peritoneal carcinomatosis. Speakear: Rafael Seitenfus (BR-RS)
11h45 - 12h
- How to deploy PGRS at a pathology center and it's importance. Speaker: Gabriel patologista
11h45 - 12h
- Histopathologic aspects for serial analysis at peritoneal samples to the pathologist. Speaker: Dra Sollas.
12h - 12h20
- Discussion and closure of the meeting
12h:20 - 14h
14h - 14h20
- Aspectos nutricionais no paciente com carcinomatose peritoneal em tratamento clínico. Speaker: Nut. Bárbara Valença Caralli Leoncio (SP)
14h20 - 14h40
- Discussão de caso clínico. Speaker: Nut. Fabiana Corcovado (SP)
14h40 - 15h
- Desenvolvimento de protocolo nutricional no paciente submetido a tratamento cirúrgico (PIPAC/HIPEC). Speaker: Nut. Tabata Pavão (RS)
15h - 15h20
- Experiência da Santa Casa de Porto Alegre. Speaker: Nut. Rafaela Festugatto Tartari (RS)
15h20 - 15h30
15h30 - 16h